July 14

AirSonea Consumer Products – iSonea Ltd.

Phillip Oakley

iSonea Ltd was on the verge of releasing their groundbreaking product, AirSonea, and needed a design for its packaging. They also needed to launch AirSonea’s consumer websites promoting both AirSonea and its complementary app, AsthmaSense. Both projects called for a universal approach, as they would see worldwide distribution. The decision was made to take a minimalistic style to AirSonea’s packaging since the consumer websites would be custom tailored to specific countries. While the websites varied, two factors remained similar; asthmatics searching for help, and they needed a smartphone to use the products. The packaging for AirSonea communicated a clear and simple message; no matter who read the information. In the end, we assisted iSonea Ltd in becoming internationally recognized for their revolutionary products.