Our Work

Messaging / Aesthetics / Web Design
The Challenge
KBio is a biotech company based in Kentucky with an impressive history of developing vaccine platforms. However, they had never put much work into their brand. They recognized the need to establish messaging and aesthetics that matched the reality of their developments and emerging technologies.

The Solution
KBio committed to an Evolve Brand Workshop with added emphasis on designing a public-facing website. One of the biggest challenges for KBio was explaining their platform development in language suitable for the layperson without compromising any of the scientific complexity of the work.
After numerous interviews and explanations, Common Giant went to work. In addition to developing new copy and web aesthetics, we developed animated and interactive interfaces on the website to better help convey the platform development process. The website needed to have style and substance, form and function, and each of these things needed to work in harmony.

Kaelan Hollon

The Result
The initial branding work and close contact with KBio’s founders and scientists helped us better understand the company’s purpose and processes. The result was an elevated brand that reflected the impressive work and impact their platforms have on vaccine development. In addition, we were able to accurately convey their processes through concise and interactive web icons and modules. This made for a more engaging web experience that described KBio’s work in necessary detail without burdening the user with scientific jargon.